Your Guide to Feng Shui | Mindful Design | Real Estate

Ready to take your living space to the next level?

Feng Shui is a natural earth science that blends architecture, interior design and environmental health and psychology.  Specifically, it studies the influence that an environment has on a person's health and well-being over time.  During the last 50 years, research studies have confirmed what Feng Shui masters have known for thousands of years: for better or worse, your surroundings effect your mood which, in turn, effect your actions and behaviors and, inevitably, your future outcomes and successes in life. Setting up your home mindfully can have a profound and positive effect.

How to utilize Feng Shui for your future :

Take advantage of all the benefits this 4,000+ year old Eastern discipline has to offer by applying it to your contemporary lifestyle.  Discover how subtle changes to your environment can have positive long-lasting effects on your health, happiness and well-being.

Changing Homes? I Can Help!

For more information on Feng Shui Consultations, please see Services

For more information on Real Estate Services, please see Real Estate


“The consultation was very informative and fun. You have a friendly, open way to express so much knowledge in such a short amount of time.”


“An absolutely wonderful class with a dynamic, informative instructor.”